
Adding "burro watch"

Weekly progress update since 2023-10-26 • 2023-11-02Michael Rees

One of the many nice ideas to come out of Typst is typst watch, which monitors a source file and recompiles it whenever it changes. For many years, I've used a monit script that I carry between projects to do this for me, but it is a great quality of life improvement to have it built in, so I wanted to add it to Burro as well.

I continue to not have much time to work on Burro, but since this is mostly just a wrapper around the notify crate, I've been able to add a new --watch flag, so burro --watch input.bur will monitor input.bur for changes and re-run indefinitely. It still needs some cleanup before being ready to merge into the main branch, but is already mostly functional. It's especially easy to add for Burro right now because files don't depend on each other yet. Having burro --watch included now will be nice for when we do introduce more complex dependencies, because we'll have to consider this integration from the beginning.

I'll try to get this and individual margins both finished before next week's update. Although I still have several more concerts in short order, the organ is being tuned next week, so I should have more time open during the day!

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